What’s The Big Chop? “In memory of my Grandad, I am hoping to raise £1,000 (£500 for Macmillan Nursesand £500 for the Cynthia Spencer Hospice). I will be having a SEVERE haircut with a huge 14 inches cut off my hair! Eeeeek! I will then donate my hair to the Little Princess Trust where they will make a free wig for a child going through hair loss from chemotherapy.
It’s been a very long time since I’ve had short hair – I’ve got to be able to blame my Mother for something!!” Chelsea. Fourteen
In inches that’s a good length (of hair you naughty lot!) and as a saving that’s great too – On the day take advantage of 14% off all Christmas and Giftware products during The Big Chop.
Win, Win and Win
You benefit with a great discount and three great causes benefit from The Big Chop. We’d love to see you on the day.
Scary Saturday
Saturday, October 21st at 11am – 12pm
Enter the bloodcurdling tomb of Wicked Whilton Locks Ghostly Garden Village this Hallowe’en.
Scare yourself silly with our spooktacularly shocking S-s-scary Saturday and conquer your fears by meeting some of the hairiest and scariest animals known to mankind. Grisly and gruesome, ghastly and ghoulish do you dare hold a spine-chilling snake or a shadowy spider?
Admission includes a range of devlish drinks for afraid adults and terrified tykes and a hellish hour of frights!
Tricks and Treats this Hallowe’en. Book online now. http://www.wlgv.co.uk/booking/index.php/wlgvbooking
£4.99 for Adults
£4.99 for Children
Children must be accompanied by a paying adult, if you would like them to come out alive!!!!
Ratio of a maximum of 4 children to 1 paying adult.
Beauty and the Feast
‘Be Our Guest’ for a Beautiful Afternoon Tea and live Sing-a-long with Belle on Tuesday 24th October, 2017 – that’s October Half Term!
Food includes: Two jam sandwiches, one ham sandwich, Beauty and the Beast themed cupcake and carrot batons.
Belle will be here for 2 time slot, shows:
2.00 – 3.00pm
3.30 – 4.30pm £6.99 per person. (Children and Adults)
Children must be accompanied by a paying adult.